Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Welcome Back Phil!

I forgot which comedy special it was, but Chris Rock was talking about the lack of legitimate black leaders we have today. He had suggested that black folks follow Pat Riley, because he has led more black men to the "promise-land" than anyone else.(Hinting at the amount of championships he won) It was a funny diatribe, but to be specific no other coach beside red Aurback has led more black men to the "promise-land" than Phil Jackson. Listen, if you read this blog for three seconds a few things come abundantly clear. 1.I love titties 2.I love Hip Hop 3. I am a Laker's fan 4. I am a Kobe Bryant apologist

Yesterday Phil Jackson returned to my LA Lakers after a tumultuous relationship with Kobe which caused his departure a year earlier. I am happy that Jackson is back, but I have no idea how Kobe and Phil can co-exist after Phil wrote a book basically calling Kobe the anti-Christ. Shit, beggars can't be choosers I guess, anything to make the Lakers better. When Shaq was asked if he could ever have a conversation with Kobe, Shaq gave the usual, monosyllabic inbred response. "Huh? Who's Kobe? That name doesn't sound familiar to me." Very mature big guy, it is good to get daily reminders of how much of a douchebag you are. Thanks.


SP said...

I would love to be a fly on the wall when Kobe and Phil see each other for the first time. But hey, I support anything that helps my Lakers get back on top.

Unknown said...

Great blog, man. Actually excellent. I'm going to be digging around in this for days on end.

Thanks for checking out my blog, Camp Lee.

melette said...

For $10 mil a year, I guess Phil can tolerate Kobe's tail. Or just ignore him.

Systa Soul said...

I'm anxious to see how this situation is going to play out. I LOVE me so big butt Phil Jackson ... but (swallowing REAL hard) I wish he would've coached for a different team ...

Hermes said...

Great post. Very funny.

Dayrell said...

I wondered the same thing to...if he and Kobe would get along especially after the whole book thing and all. But hey, receiving a niffy $10 million contract will make you do anything. lol!

Anonymous said...

I posted on my site about Phil coming back as well. I'm from Chicago so I have a fondness for the big galut as well.

I just don't see how his coming back is going to be a good thing, though. Phil v Kobe is gonna hit a head so quick that someone's going to be mauled.